Cisco fabric manager windows 10
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- Installing Cisco Fabric Manager on Windows - Cisco CommunityCisco fabric manager windows 10
Cisco fabric manager windows 10. Cisco Fabric Manager
You see the Configuration Options dialog box shown in Figure Change server. Step 19 Click Cancel to stop the installation. Once the installation is finished, you see an installation completed message in the Cisco Fabric Manager Installer window shown in Figure Icons for Fabric Manager and Device Manager are automatically created on the desktop.
This program group contains shortcuts to batch files in the install directory. The Performance Manager server is installed but the service is not started upon installation, because certain setup steps must be completed first. The shell scripts that run the programs equivalent to the Windows services are: FMServer. All server-side data and Performance Manager data are stored in the install directory.
The server component is downloaded and installed when you download and install Fabric Manager. On a Windows machine you install the Fabric Manager Server as a service. The default setting for the Fabric Manager Server service is that the server is automatically started when the machine is rebooted. You can change this behavior by modifying the properties in Services. Step 1 Enter the IP address of the switch in the Address field of your browser. You see the Installation window for Device Manager shown in Figure Step 2 Click the Cisco Device Manager link.
You see the welcome to the management software setup wizard message in the Cisco Device Manager Installer window shown in Figure Step 3 Click Next to begin the Installation.
Step 5 Select an installation folder on your workstation for Device Manager. Step 6 Click Install. Once the installation is finished, you see an installation completed message in the Cisco Device Manager Installer window shown in Figure Download this chapter. Installing Fabric Manager. Installing Oracle. Installing Oracle Note If you want to use Oracle Database 10g Express, you must install the database and create a user name and password before continuing with the Fabric Manager installation.
To install the Oracle database, follow these steps: Step 1 Click the following link to install Oracle Database 10g Express. To create a database user, run the following command: createuser -s -d -r -l -P -U postgres admin Step 4 Enter a password for the new role. To download the software from Cisco. Step 4 Launch the installer using the following command: java -Xmsm -Xmxm mfm Follow these steps in install Fabric Manager on Windows.
Step 9. Select an installation folder on your workstation for Fabric Manager. Click Next. Step Click the radio button for either Install PostgreSQL or Use existing database and enter a database user name and password. Note that Cisco Fabric Manager has not been officially tested on any bit platforms, only bit platforms are officially supported. However users were able to install Fabric Manager on bit Windows by following these steps:.
Step 1. Open a command prompt cmd. To do this right-click on cmd. This is important. Step 2. Change to your Java directory i. Checked with Java version 1. Step 3. Run the command "Java. On the CD image download, it's in the Software folder. Your command prompt should look something like this, depending on where the Fabric Manager jar file is located:. Find answers to your questions by entering keywords or phrases in the Search bar above.
By default, it is disabled. For more information on setting the server properties, read the server. Fabric Manager Release 2. These settings include:. To add a Fabric Manager Server user or to change the password for an existing user using Fabric Manager, follow these steps:. You see a list of Fabric Manager users. Note Only network administrators can manage users.
Step 2 Click New to add a user or click the user name and click Edit to change the password for an existing user. You see the FM User dialog box as shown in Figure Step 3 Set the user name and password for the new user and then click Apply. Step 2 Click the user name you want to delete. Step 3 Click Remove to delete the user. Step 4 Click Yes to confirm the deletion or No to cancel it. You can modify the user name or password used to access a fabric from Fabric Manager Client without restarting Fabric Manager Server.
To change the user name or password used by Fabric Manager Server, follow these steps:. Step 3 Click Apply to save these changes. Fabric Manager Server periodically polls the monitored fabrics and periodically rediscovers the full fabric at a default interval of five cycles. To change the polling period or full fabric rediscovery setting used by Fabric Manager Server using Fabric Manager, follow these steps:. Step 2 For each fabric that you are monitoring with Fabric Manager Server, set the Polling Interval to determine how frequently Fabric Manager Server polls the fabric elements for status and statistics.
Step 3 For each fabric that you are monitoring with Fabric Manager Server, set the Rediscover Cycles to determine how often Fabric Manager Server rediscovers the full fabric. Step 4 Click Apply to save these changes. Step 2 For each fabric that you are monitoring with Fabric Manager Server, check the Device Alias check box to use global device aliases, or uncheck to use FC aliases.
If you choose to use global device aliases on Fabric Manager Server, these changes are not reflected on the local switch. The switch continues to use FC aliases until you save the device aliases to the switch. To save global device aliases on a switch using Fabric Manager, follow these steps:. You see the end devices in the Information pane. Step 2 For each device alias that you want the switch to recognize, highlight it, right-click the Device Alias icon, and select Save Selected Device Aliases.
Download this chapter. Fabric Manager Server. Selecting a Fabric to Manage Continuously When you quit the Fabric Manager Client, you are prompted as to whether or not you would like to have Fabric Manager Server continuously manage that fabric.
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